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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have a friend whose blog is called "Things That Make Me Twitch". I'm stealing her tag line today. I was standing in line at Target last night and 3 year old Susie didn't want to sit in the cart. She was backwards in the seat area, leaning over the bar. I kept holding my hands out because I thought she was going to fall.

Susie's Mom was watching her from the front of the cart and would say in that sing song voice my children have never heard when they are being naughty, "Susie, that's not acceptable". "Susie, sit on your bottom". "Susie, Mommy would like you to sit on your bottom".

Susie ignored her Mother and continued to do back bends over the bar of the cart. Mommy continues to beg the child, did I mention she was 3, to sit on her bottom. I had to use every ounce of restraint to not pick the child up, turn her around and TELL her to sit on her "bottom" the correct way!

Why does this make me twitch? Because I am SO tired of parents who don't want to be the bad guy, they don't want to make their child upset, they don't want to give their child boundaries or teach them acceptable behavior. Would she have let Susie run into the street? I venture to guess the answer would be no. But I wonder if she realizes if Susie were to drop head first onto the concrete floor of Target, the chance of a head injury would be LARGE!

But my clincher and why I had to post my "twitch". After they paid, Mommy was pulling the cart away so I could step up to pay and Susie wanted to play with the credit card pad and pen. She is now STANDING in the sitting part of the cart. And, what does the Mother say?? "Susie, you can't play with that right now because that lady (me) will get mad because it's her turn". Ummm, what?!? How about, "Susie, sit down and don't touch that, it's NOT a toy". And, yeah Susie, this "lady" is mad but not at you. I'm mad at your Mother for not giving you rules or expectations. Susie should be a blast to be around in about 10 years, I wish them luck.


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Wow! Yeah, that's just a problem in the making.

K :) said...

Love this one, Christol. You said it perfectly...another lovely child in the making thanks to a lack of parenting. Poor kid.