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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heads Up

I really wanted to plan a vacation for this summer because the kids and I haven't gone on one in quite some time. When they were little we went on a vacation at least once per year, sometimes twice. I heard a LOT of people tell me that it was stupid to waste my money on something they probably wouldn't remember. What I always said back was, "I get to see them enjoying themselves now". I honestly wouldn't change one trip. And, they do remember. Their memories may not be complete but they can look at photos and recall if it was their favorite or something funny. They have vivid memories of going on rides with their Papa.

Now my kids are at the age that they can "remember" and you know what? We have NO time to go on vacation. School is harder so they can't miss a week. Max plays hockey and forever has a Christmas tournament so we can't go during holiday break. Max plays baseball and Claire danced and ice skated and there are always practices and performances during spring break. My kids get out of school 2 weeks before I am done for the year and for the past 2 summers, Max starts LearningWorks, the Monday after I am done working and goes until the Friday before I return to work. This year, Claire will join him. I thought I was SO busy and SO tired when they were little, but guess what? That was my slow introduction to teenage years and kids who are busy with sports.

Maybe we'll get a trip before Max leaves for college?? I guess for now the multiple tournaments and competitions we have will have to suffice.

The reason that I'm posting this is for all the parents who say, "we don't have time" or "they are too little". I'm telling you not to wait. I am telling you to go make some memories.

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