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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Flower Cupcakes

Claire and I saw a cupcake we thought was very cute in a magazine. Since she has a very nice teacher who lets her bring homemade treats, we thought her birthday would be a great day to test them out.

The turned out VERY cute and were easy. But they were time consuming. It took two of us an hour to assemble, not including cooking time...Max helped us for about 15 minutes cutting marshmallows. I said that next time I would make them with chocolate cake mix instead of the white, Claire said, "Nope, they tasted great just the way they were. Everyone thought so".

What you'll need
1 Cake Mix made according to directions. We made mini cupcakes because she needed 32 for her classroom.

1 can of frosting ~ yes, you heard me correctly, I used CANNED frosting because I was tired and I forgot to warm up a stick of butter. Frost the cupcakes as you go.
1/2 bag mini Marshmallows~each one cut diagonally
Colored Sugar to press marshmallows into.

Cut the marshmallows in half on the diagonal. Press into colored sugar. Max cut the marshmallows. I frosted the cupcakes, Claire assembled. You are not going to want to get too far ahead with the frosting because you need it soft so the marshmallows stick. I'll show you the photos and you'll get the idea.
Mini Cupcake, cooled and ready to frost.
Frost your cupcake.
Cut your marshmallow in half on the diagonal. You're gonna want scissors for this job.
Dip the sticky cut side of the marshmallow in colored sprinkles.
Put the marshmallows around the cupcake like pedals. We made most of them with just an outer ring.
This is one we did in full bloom..much prettier but too much time to do 48 of them like this.
Ready for school.
Another view, aren't they just the cutest things!!

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