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Friday, July 30, 2010

Locks of Love

My daughter does something pretty amazing. When her hair gets to the middle of her back, she cuts it off and donates it to Locks of Love. I think she was 6 when we were at the salon getting her brother's hair cut. She saw a girl cutting her long hair and stood there amazed by it. She asked me why and I told her that the girl was donating her hair so they could make a wig for kids who can't grow hair of their own. She said, "I WANT to do that". I looked at my little girl and could not believe those words were coming out of her mouth. She had hair to her butt and liked to wear it all kinds of different ways. Plus, I had spent countless hours brushing that beautiful hair and I couldn't imagine her without it. I told her we'd do it the next time we came in, thinking that she would forget.

The next month when we went again she was all smiles. I had forgotten my promise. When we got inside the salon she told the lady that she was donating her hair. What?!? The stylist asked if she was sure and she declared that she was. The stylist could see my apprehension and folded Claire's hair up to show her how short it would be and she smiled and I watched her climb into the chair. I gave my nod of approval and stood with tears running down my face as the stylist put Claire's hair into a ponytail and cut it off. Ten inches were tossed onto the counter. My baby girl suddenly looked so much older to me. The smile on Claire's face was priceless. She was so proud of herself and her new look. Two of her cousins, Serena and Madison, and her friend Kayla, have followed her lead and donated their hair as well.

It didn't stop there, Claire wanted to know more information so I looked up Locks of Love and found out that it takes 6-10, 10 inch ponytails to make one wig. Claire just made her fourth donation today and I couldn't be more proud of her. Bonus..I don't shed tears anymore, I just take a photo and smile back at her.

Props go out to Great Clips for providing free haircuts in Minneapolis to those that wish to donate (don't forget to tip your stylist).

If you'd like more information, check out


K :) said...

Love the hair cut! And, as always, what a terrific young lady to be so caring and charitable.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

She looks adorable. :) I'm so proud of her for doing this.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful girl you have! Beautiful, too!