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Friday, September 23, 2011

Spam Throne

My ex husband is from the SPAM Capital...Austin, MN. He used to say that SPAM stood for "Super People Austin Minnesota". Yes, he's a dork.

My kids Bumpa (Grandpa) worked at Hormel Corporate offices for over 30 years and now volunteers at the Spam Museum. The kids also have a few other relatives employed by Hormel.

I can also admit that although I went down kicking and screaming, if I slice Spam really thin and pan fry..I actually like it. Tastes very similar to bacon and we have it about once a month with our pancakes. For those of you who haven't looked at a can of SPAM since you were a kid..they got rid of that nasty film AND it comes it lots of flavors now.

Anyway, it seems only fitting that I post this photo from the State Fair.

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